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Bomb threats force more than 100 schools to close in Delhi region

More than 100 schools in the Indian capital Delhi and satellite cities were evacuated on Wednesday after receiving emailed warnings that bombs had been planted on their premises.
More than 80 schools in Delhi and dozens in neighbouring Noida and Greater Noida were closed as bomb squads, detection dogs, police officers and fire services searched for explosives.
One news channel broadcast an image of one of the emails that read: “Kill them wherever you meet. There are many explosives in the school. With Allah’s permission, we’ll send you to flames.”
Delhi Police spokeswoman Suman Nalwa said “nothing untoward” was found at any of the schools and the primary objective was likely to create panic.
Police said the emails were sent from a Russian IP address. Schools were continuing to receive the emailed warnings and a special team has been set up to investigate, they said.
This is the scariest experience as a young parent in today’s society. There were threats from miscreants, and chaos everywhere. Noida 122 was not in the list The school did not inform the family, there was panic among the people too! #BombThreat #delhincr #nodia #Dps_school
“Some schools in Delhi received threat emails this morning. The emails appear to be hoaxes and there is no need to panic. Delhi Police and security agencies are taking all necessary steps as per protocol,” the Ministry of Home Affairs said on X.
Shivhari Meena, a senior police official in Noida, said the emails were sent as early as 4.30am.
Panicked parents rush to collect their children from school after learning of the bomb threats.
“There was chaos here. Parents were naturally panicked. Then we learnt that other schools have also received the same email threat. We received a message from the school and rushed to pick up our children,” one parent said.
Indian schools often receive bomb threats and warnings that turn out to be hoaxes by disgruntled pupils, including some trying to defer examinations.
